Featured Events

Connect through engagement opportunities.

View our complete calendar to see what’s coming up next.

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Please use sign-up via QR Code to receive the Zoom information
for the Scholarship Eligibility Session,
which will take place February 24, 2025 at 10:00 am


Two campuses. One time. One God.

Worship with us at either of our locations, every Sunday at 9:45 a.m.


Don’t miss what’s going on at The Park.

Text ‘THEPARKCHURCH’ to 22828 to subscribe to TPC e-News.

  • NEW! Counseling Text Feature
    Take advantage of the Counseling Ministry’s new text feature. Text the word “Care” to 844-390-6312.
  • New and Improved Social Profiles
    The Park Church is revamping its social media presence under the handle @TheParkChurchCharlotte. Get ready to connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube under our new and improved profiles.
  • Nursery Grand Opening
    Sunday, March 31st marks the grand opening of our nursery. If you have a nursery aged child that’s 0-4 years old, we want to be able to serve you well.


Grow in Christ at any time and in any place.