Home Events Fresh Start: 5-Day Church-Wide Fast

Fresh Start: 5-Day Church-Wide Fast

It’s September, which means we’ve reached the
final church-wide fast of 2024.

As it has been embedded in your heart by now, our theme for 2024 is Responding to God’s Call:The Year of Revival. True revival – is marked by a re-awakening of God’s people. During this year, has that been your testimony?

Has your heart been re-awakened for God and the things of God? Have you been convicted and compelled to confess sins and live the life that God has called you to live, according to His Word?

Responding to God’s call requires fresh courage and strength. As we continue on this journey, let’s set aside time to move forward with prayer and fasting. God’s invitation is ever so present and it’s always a good time to RESPOND.

During the Fresh Start 5-Day Fast, we encourage you to follow this fasting guide which includes the technology and food restrictions, and the spiritual focus for each day. Prayer is a key practice in our relationship with God because this is the way that we communicate with Him. We pray using words and silence; listening and waiting on the Holy Spirit to direct us is a major component of prayer. A humble heart and a mind open to Jesus is what He expects, and the Holy Spirit will do the rest (Romans 8:26-27).

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Sep 09 - 14, 2024


All Day

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About The Park

For over 100 years, The Park Church has provided a Christ-centered experience to those seeking Jesus Christ and a commitment of devotion to God’s people.

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