Home Events Tech Summit Virtual Training

Tech Summit Virtual Training

Teens 13-18 will have an opportunity to learn cloud based technology as the prepare to build a cloud based project in July.

This training will take place on the 3rd Saturday of each month from January to July at 10:00 am via Zoom.  Training will be one hour, and the curriculum is set for teens to build on the previous month so each month is important in their training. This will culminate with an opportunity for those who participate in Tech-Fit 2024, to build a Project in the Cloud that they will be proud of.

Join us for this life changing experience that will impact your teen for a lifetime.


Jan 20, 2024


10:00 am



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For over 100 years, The Park Church has provided a Christ-centered experience to those seeking Jesus Christ and a commitment of devotion to God’s people.

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