Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry, also known as Daughters of Divine Destiny, was created to serve and glorify God by meeting the spiritual, emotional and social needs of all women.

Women’s Bible Study
Women of The Park Church are invited to fellowship and study God’s Word together.
March 10
6:30 pm
Women’s Bible Study
March 15
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
P.E.A.R.L.S. Ministry
March 17
6:30 pm
Women’s Bible Study
March 24
No event found!
Latest News
- Rwanda Women’s 2024 Mission Trip FundraiserThe women of The Park Church will embark on a mission trip to Kigali, Rwanda in October 2024. We ask for your prayers and financial support.
- March 2024: Women’s History MonthMarch is Women’s History Month. From Leading Lady to the women’s choir and preaching line-ups, you want to stay tuned to The Park News (TPN) and our digital channels to keep up with all of the ways we’re honoring women.
Signature Programs and Opportunities
- AmbassadorsAmbassadors are serve-minded volunteers who support and lead in hosting meetings, events and activities.
- BraveWorksBraveWorks is an outreach ministry that helps women and families assimilate into our city and culture in a dignified way by learning to serve, support and offer friendship.
- Discipleship Bible StudyDedication to the study of God’s word anchors our faith in Him and provides others a healthy perspective of living in Christ through the value of His word alive in a believer.
- E.M.B.L.E.M.E.M.B.L.E.M. is a six-month commitment to a mentor / mentee relationship designed to foster Christian growth and development through prayer, bible study, and fellowship.
- H.O.P.E.F.U.L.The Helping Other People Experience Full, Useful Lives (HOPEFUL) Ministry helps people experience the transforming nature of their lives that will be exhibited in their daily lives. We seek to help in a manner that will provide confidence and faith.
- Young Adult WomenYoung women are stepping up and becoming godly women. We support these women in growing into the woman God has envisioned for them through mentorship, fellowship and service.
To learn more about the Women’s Ministry, or to become involved, please contact First Lady Dr. Kim Alexander at [email protected].