Rwanda Women’s 2024 Mission Trip


Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece.


He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Our theme is: Made in His Image, Meant for His Glory, and Motivated for Mission.

$50,000 Fundraising Goal

Led by our Leading Lady, Dr. Kimberly Nash Alexander, we will share the Life, Love, and Lordship of Jesus Christ by serving the students at the Institute of Women for Excellence (IWE) school. Our hope is to connect, empower, and share sustainable spiritual and educational practices that will encourage growth. Our hope is to provide a study bible, care packages, hygiene products, and practical classroom essentials for all students enrolled at the school. Here’s how you can help:

Photo of Robin Craig

2024 Women and Missions Team

Learn more about each team member and her testimony by clicking on the photos below.

Thank You

We thank you in advance for your prayers, love, and support. If you would like to learn more about the Women’s Ministry and how you can get involved, please contact Shirley Scott at [email protected], or Astra Aker at [email protected]. Or join us on Mondays for Women’s Bible Study, and sign up to receive information about ministry activities and events.


Kimberly Alexander

Donate to Lady Kim

I have a love for the Lord and desire especially to see women and young girls live in the fullness of their relationship with Christ. I am committed to learning from others and sharing together as we grow deeper roots in our relationship with Christ. This mission experience will allow me to share my passion for others to know Him and open me up to how God is forming me, as I experience God in other cultural contexts.

“Cross-cultural service has a way of un-cluttering our lives and simplifying our definitions of reality, needs, and success.” Alicia Chole, Until the Whole World Knows

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Robin Craig

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Thank you God for the opportunity to be on mission with you. Since pre pandemic I felt the call of missions. Upon hearing of this opportunity, I immediately felt this was God calling me to join Him on this journey. I don’t know reason why or my specific purpose, but I do know whatever God is up to, my answer is yes and Amen!

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Kim English

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Joining the missionary team to travel to Rwanda Africa, is considered a calling to share the love of Christ selflessly, and humbly in an unfamiliar environment, with unfamiliar people.

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Linda Givens

Donate to Linda Givens

Dear Family and Friends,

As member of the Women’s Ministry at The Park Church, God has opened the door for me to go on a short-term mission trip to Kigali, Rwanda with The Park Church Women’s Ministry, October 11-19.2024. We will be empowering and ministering to girls ages 12-18 at the Institute of Women for Excellence (IWE). Our10 member team, led by Dr. Kimberly Nash Alexander, will be sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Your help is needed! This is a team project, and you are needed on the team. First, I need your prayers for the spiritual battles ahead. Second, your help is needed to help cover part of the cost for this mission (Travel expenses. Girls retreat lunch, Backpack for each girl that will include a bible, journal, school supplies, hygiene supplies and tee shirt. The team will also be refurbishing 1-2 classrooms with painting, repairing floors and student desk. Please partner with me and the team members as we embark on this mission.

Your prayers and donation is greatly appreciated.

You are very important to me. Thank you for being a part of our team.

In His Service,
Linda Moore Givens

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Ava Goggins

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Matthew 28:16-20 calls us to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’ve had an opportunity to participate in other mission experiences and it is amazing to see the heart of God expressed in a different land and culture. It has been a blessing to connect with brothers, sisters, and children in Africa and Haiti. To have an opportunity to GO and share the love of Christ through service, community empowerment, and collaboration has been life changing. I’m excited to connect again with our family in Kigali, Rwanda.

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Frieda Lester

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Service has been a vital part of my faith journey in Christ. It is legacy passed to me from my grandparents who owned a farm who gave unselfishly of their treasures to my parents who always gave of themselves in service of others. I am led by the fact that we are not alone in this world and we must use every opportunity to be a blessing to all. Consider supporting us on a life-changing adventure to Kilgali, Rwanda, as we spread the message of hope and love through serving at a girls’ school.

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Kydia McCoy

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The basis of my ‘why’ is that the Gospel becomes more real; realizing that the world is bigger than what I currently know — I believe this experience will open my eyes to life and circumstances that are not black and white, a place where a ‘larger Gospel’ is evident. Additionally, I believe this experience will make me more well-rounded, inclusive and raise a level of awareness that impacts how I pray, essentially how I respond and contribute to the Kingdom work.

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Julie Ray

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When I heard of the opportunity to serve God’s people in Africa, my heart was immediately stirred. In seeking God in what I could offer them, He led me to these two scriptures:

1 Peter 4:10-11 NIV
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Romans 12:8
If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

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Jolanda Washington

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I have an ongoing note in my phone with scriptures, affirmations, my thoughts, and sayings about God. Sometime in 2022, I wrote “mission trip?” I can’t remember specifically what prompted me to write that, however I do remember thinking to myself or shall I say, God saying to me, if a mission trip opportunity presents itself with The Park Church, I know I would seriously consider going because I had attended several women’s retreats with The Park. In May 2023, by NO coincidence, I received an email about the upcoming mission trip and immediately filled out the interest form. No hesitation, no procrastination, and it flowed. I didn’t have to think too hard about my answers. I knew God was up to something. In December 2023, while reading a Michael Todd book, the words “live out your faith on a mission trip” confirmed what God was saying. My God assignment is to share and show the goodness of God to everyone I meet. I know the timing of this mission experience opportunity is God’s will for me to let my little light shine for Him. Matthew 28:18-20.

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