We’d love to hear how the love, life and lordship of Christ has impacted you.
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2 replies on “Share Your Testimony”
What has 31 Days of Prayer and Fasting meant for me…..During the 31 Days of Prayer and Fasting here at The Park Church has brought me closer to God. It has allowed me to be more committed to prayer and more intentional in my relationship with Him. The prayers from all the Saints has shown me that others go through things just like I do and that we are all leaning on God. Through prayer and fasting God will answer your prayers if you draw closer to Him, He will draw closer to you. Getting into a sacred place with God has allowed me to discern the voice of God, and allow Him to have His way in my prayer life; hearing from Him that not my will be done, but His will be done. Prayer time has revived my soul of more of God and less of other things that might take my attention away from prayer and fasting. I’ve seen what prayer can really do during this time. God has opened up doors for my family by showing up in a time of need for my Son. Making a way out of no way, blessing my Son with the funds to be able to stay in his house and not have to face homelessness. It has caused me to be more compassionate and hopeful, with joy and peace in my heart knowing that I can face tomorrow. Prayer time is a scared time with just God and me. Going into my secret closet and bowing down before the Lord in humble submission. Sitting at His feet has allowed me to feel his presence more and knowing that He is truly with me, and that whatever I am faced with I am not alone. Knowing that God really cares and He loves me. Fasting on Wednesdays has helped me to become more disciplined by getting into a posture of prayer and discerning the very voice and will of God, waiting on God and being of good courage while I wait. As I look back on the 31 Days of Prayer and Fasting, it has caused me to reflect on this scripture…..”Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31 NIV As this is the year of revival through prayer and fasting, I can’t wait to see what God will continue to do in my life as well as others. To God be the glory for the things He has done!!!
On Saturday, March 9, I awoke to gusty winds and rain. The Park Church mobile unit “MT25:40” was scheduled to deploy. I had my doubts whether we would serve in the heavy rain. The Outreach leader said, “yes we were still serving.” I am a witness serving requires intentionality. I was somewhat doubtful that our homeless neighbors as well as volunteers would show up. I was overjoyed to see we had an ample amount of volunteers. The Lord helded off the rain enough to allow us to get setup. I am one of the leaders over the showers. To my amazement at the end of the alloted time, I noticed we had more neighbors to take showers than on the days we’ve had sunshine. It is evident serving where God leads, He will be glorified. Our neighbors conversed with us and many thanked us for our service. What we do for the Kingdom of God is not about me; it all for His glory.