Get involved and grow! If you are a young lady, or know of a young lady, between the ages of 5-18 who would like to learn more about The Park Church Girl Scouts, please contact Crystal Mason at [email protected]. Meetings begin in September, and we don’t want you to miss this opportunity to be engaged.
Category: Youth
Hallelujah Fest

Judah Choir

Elevate Youth Conference

This annual experience exposes teens to today’s leading technology and a healthy lifestyle. Designed for youth 13-18, teens will discover and explore several disciplines including but not limited to: coding, filming, music production, script writing, web design, and more. Hands-on training by industry leaders and top fitness experts and coaches teach our young people how to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle and give them tips for success as they mature towards adulthood.
View the Events calendar, the Youth Ministry page, or the Studio P Ministry page to keep an eye out for important camp dates.
Friday Night “Live”

Worship and Arts

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6.
The Worship and Arts Ministry seeks to ensure that The Park Church experience is memorable.
Throughout all facets of our ministry, we strive to show the love of God to the people of God.
- Choirs (Adult and Youth)
- Dance (Adult and Youth)
- Visual Interpretation
- Drama
Programs & Activities
No current activities.
Upcoming Events
No upcoming events.