TechFit 2020: Technology and New Media Camp

You definitely want to be a part of this awesome summer experience! 2020 is the year for you to get your teenager enrolled in Tech Fit Camp at The Park Church.


What: Technology and Fitness Camp

When: Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 24, 2020 (excluding weekends) from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. daily

Who: All campers ages 13-18 years old

TechFit Camp is just around the corner. This year’s camp will be virtual, but it will have just as much impact for our youth ages 13-18. The Camp will be held from July 13-24. Our days will begin around 9 a.m. with worship and end at 1 p.m. Several of our TechFit campers have gone on to pursue careers in technology because of their participation in the camp. Parents, register your child today for this life changing opportunity.

You don’t want to miss an opportunity for your child to hear from and interact with some of the top professionals and experts in technology and fitness. They will gain useful knowledge and skills that can set them on a promising career path. This learning and wellness experience exceeds much more than what they would get in a school classroom.

This year’s technology camp will be held at The Park Church Independence and includes daily workshops on:

  • Mobile app creation
  • Video Concepts
  • Script writing
  • Editing
  • Music Theory and Vocal technique
  • Production
  • Fitness education
  • Applying technology to fitness
  • Practical approaches to technology


Lunch and snacks will be provided.


Studio P

Studio P Ministry

Through audiovisual techniques, we help to create a rich Park Church experience for our members and guests.

Studio P is responsible for presenting Pastor Alexander and The Park Church in a positive light through multimedia, including audio, video, production and creative direction.

We are comprised of volunteers who have a wide range of knowledge and expertise across 13 areas of participation, as well as those who have a willingness to learn about these areas. Areas of participation are: sound board operation, audio recording, camera operation, directing, technical directing, editing, tape duplication, field camera operation, web cast monitoring, cataloging, lighting, projections screens and creative design.

Roles and responsibilities may include: directing the Sunday service simulcast; setting the lighting for Sunday service, Bible studies and events; assisting the Worship & Arts Ministry in their productions; video recording A-roll and B-roll films; and audio and video editing for weekly The Park News (TPN) highlights. Training is held Wednesdays during Bible Study. Camera and stage crews must wear all black.

TechFit Camp

This annual experience exposes teens to today’s leading technology and a healthy lifestyle.

2024 Growing in Christ Catalog

Take advantage of all of the opportunities that The Park offers to grow in your relationship with Christ.


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Signature Programs and Opportunities

  • Experience and Production
    This ministry helps to ensure that the experience within our worship services both in-person and online is one that is brings honor to God, is timely, seamless and translates to all generations and audiences that view us.
  • TechFit Summer Camp
    This annual experience exposes teens to today’s leading technology and a healthy lifestyle. Designed for youth 13-18, teens will discover and explore several disciplines including but not limited to: coding, filming, music production, script writing, web design, and more.


To learn more about the Assimilation Ministry, or to become involved, please contact Min. Kevin Wilson at [email protected].

Photograph of Min. Kevin Wilson
Min. Kevin Wilson | Director of Technology