Sign up to express your interest in serving with our Youth Ministry. Upon completion of the form, you will be required to complete a Child Safety Training and a background check.
Author: admin
The American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women shares fast facts and more health insights on women and cardiovascular disease.
Explanation | Rate | Priority Code |
Host Site Priority code This is only for your regular congregation/constituents | $139 until 01/11; $159 until 06/15 $179 until Summit | GLS22TEAM |
Complimentary Registration Comp page will be available around Feb 2022 | $0 | See Complimentary page for site-specific codeDeadline: Tuesday August 2, 5pm CST |
First Responders registrationsValid for active firefighters, police officers, EMTS, and paramedics. including hospital workers in COVID operations | $99 | SMT22FIRSTRSPNDR |
Military registrationsFor Active Duty Military and Reserve personnel and their spouses | $99 | MILITARY |
Student/FacultyAll students/faculty only applies to guests with an accredited college/university, or high school | $99 by 8/5 | No priority code needed, but they must mark they are a student/faculty |
Student OrganizationsFor staff of student organizations, i.e. YFC, Campus Crusade, Young Life | $99 | SMT22YOUTH |
Summit Partners – make sure you’ve entered them on the Summit Partner page | $139 until 1/11; $159 until 6/15 $179 after | 22GLSSPTNR |
Under-resourced Leaders Read the Under-Resourced statement before using | $99 | SMT22UR |
As we prepare for a new year — whether out of excitement or desperation for something new — it is quite tempting to create plans for ourselves and then ask God to bless them. When we begin the year (or anything) by initiating our agendas, we tune out what God desires to do in, through and for us, and limit the blessings that are far beyond our imaginations. But what if we started differently? What if our sole plan was to seek our heavenly Father for His plans concerning us? Can you imagine what the year would be if we simply committed the first three weeks to fasting, praying and asking the Lord to mature us – spiritually, emotionally and socially? Imagine no more — Now is that time.
Welcome to a Fresh Start!
During the Fresh Start 21-Day Fast, we will also incorporate Bible reading, engaging exercises and prayer. Prayer is a key practice in our relationship with God because this is the way that we communicate with Him. We pray using words and silence; listening and waiting on the Holy Spirit to direct us is a major component of prayer.
A humble heart and a mind open to Jesus is what He expects, and the Holy Spirit will do the rest (Romans 8:26,27)
Why Should We Pray?
- We pray because we love God.
- We pray to worship God for who He is.
- We pray to say thanks to our Father.
- We pray to God to praise Him.
- We pray to petition God.
- We pray to confess our sins.
- We pray to intercede for others.
- We pray against the enemies of God.
- We pray to listen to God.
- We pray to resist temptation.
- We pray because He directs us to pray.
The Model Prayer
“Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Your name”
The prayer principles of adoration (praise for who God is) and thanksgiving (praise for what He has done).
“Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
The principle of affirmation, that is, agreeing with God’s will and submitting to it.
“Give us this day our daily bread”
The principle of supplication, in which we make requests both for ourselves (petition) and for others (intercession).
“And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors”
The principle of confession in view of our need for forgiveness of sins.
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one”
The necessity of renewal as we face the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil.
“For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever”
A closing prayer that honors the Lord and completes our thoughts.
As you petition God in prayer for your concerns, also pray daily for:
- Sensitivity to the work and guidance of the Holy Spirit
- Bishop Alexander and his family
- Wisdom for the Kingdom Team
What is a Fast?
A fast is a period of abstaining from something; denying self from a desire. There are multiple types of fasts, which we will address.
Why Should I Fast?
Fasting and Prayer combined can bring about a transformational revival in you, the nation and the world. The ultimate purpose of the fast is not you and what you seek, but God and what He seeks. Fasting is a true way to sacrifice for God and humble oneself to Him (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21). Fasting is an act of worship and honoring.
How Should We Prepare for a Fast?
Spiritual Preparation
- Pray before you fast. Ensure that you communicate with God and seek His guidance regarding your fast.
- Ask God to help you to examine your heart, detect and repent any unconfessed sins.
Physical Preparation
- Consult a doctor before fasting, in order to ensure that all of your vitals are stable.
- If you have severe medical maladies you should definitely have professional supervision while fasting.
- Decrease the amount of food that you eat a couple of days prior to the fast starting in order to prepare your mind, stomach, and appetite for less food.
The best way to choose the appropriate fast is to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. Pray purposefully in identifying God’s purpose and direction in your fast. His direction is the only thing that will make the fast meaningful and significant.
Types of Fasts
- Partial Fast: abstain from food for a set time; eat a simple meal of bread & water; sacrifice a certain food.
- Daniel Fast: abstain from delicacies, meats and wines, and focuses on fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables.
- No Food Fast: abstain from all food, including milk (protein) and only drink liquids and water.
- Water-only Fast: abstain from everything except water.
- Absolute/Supernatural Fast: abstain from any foods or liquids, including water (the 40-day fast of Moses and Jesus and the 3-day fast seen in Esther 4:16)
While fasting is great way to seek God, and to remove all the things in our lives that often take the place of primary in our lives, we certainly want you to take all the precautions to make sure you are safe. If you have severe medical maladies, you should request professional supervision while fasting.
The best way to choose the appropriate fast is to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. Pray purposefully in identifying God’s purpose and direction in your fast.
Foods To Include In Your Diet During The Daniel Fast
One of the great things about the Daniel Fast is that you are not limited to any specific amount of food, but rather to the kinds of food you can eat. The Daniel Fast is limited to vegetables (includes fruits) and water.
All fruits. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Fruits include but are not limited to apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew melon, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines, watermelon
All vegetables. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Vegetables include but are not limited to artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chili peppers, collard greens, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger root, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, onions, parsley, potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, scallions, spinach, sprouts, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, yams, zucchini, veggie burgers are an option if you are not allergic to soy.
All whole grains, including but not limited to whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes and popcorn.
All nuts and seeds, including but not limited to sunflower seeds, cashews, peanuts, sesame. Also nut butters including peanut butter.
All legumes. These can be canned or dried. legumes include but are not limited to dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, white beans.
All quality oils including but not limited to olive, canola, grape seed, peanut, and sesame.
Beverages: spring water, distilled water or other pure waters. other: tofu, soy products, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs and spices.
Foods to avoid on the Daniel Fast
All meat and animal products including but not limited to beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish.
All dairy products including but not limited to milk, cheese, cream, butter, and eggs.
All sweeteners including but not limited to sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, and cane juice.
All leavened bread including Ezekiel Bread (it contains yeast and honey) and baked goods.
All refined and processed food products including but not limited to artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white rice, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives.
All deep fried foods including but not limited to potato chips, French fries, corn chips.
All solid fats including shortening, margarine, lard and foods high in fat. Beverages including but not limited to coffee, tea, herbal teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol.
Please make sure to READ THE LABELS when purchasing packaged, canned or bottled foods. They should be sugar-free and chemical-free. Keep this in mind as you review this list of acceptable food.
Fresh Start: 21 Days of Fasting Schedule
Week 1: Spiritual Maturity
Day 1: Monday, January 3rd
- Omit one meal today
- Embrace the Blessing of Being God’s Beloved (Read Matthew 3:16-17)
Jesus was affirmed by God the Father before “doing” anything in his earthly ministry. What does that say to you? Read the passage slowly three times. What’s grabbing your attention as you read? How is God affirming you through the passage as you embark upon the new year?
Day 2: Tuesday, January 4th
- Omit one meal today
- Be open to a Heart Examination (Read Psalms 139:23-24)
A part of spiritual maturation begins with being aware of what resides in the heart; awareness is a gift. Turn today’s passage into your personal prayer. Acknowledge what the Holy Spirit reveals – unconfessed sin, unforgiveness, pride, fear, doubt, disobedience, etc. – and thank him for his grace and forgiveness. To close the time, listen to the song, A Heart that Forgives by Kevin LaVar & One Sound.
Day 3: Wednesday, January 5th
- Omit one meal today
- Prayer of Submission to God’s Will (Read Luke 22:40-46, Philippians 2:1-11, Philippians 3:13-14)
Spend time in prayer seeking God about his will for you. As you read the passages, journal what the Holy Spirit reveals about the will of God in these verses. How do these passages encourage you to submit to God’s will for your life?
Day 4: Thursday, January 6th
- Omit one meal today
- Surrender to Silence (Read Habakkuk 2:20 in The Message)
It is easy to become addicted to the noise around us. The “noise of the world” distracts us and drowns out the voice of God. Today, carve out some time to detach from noise – do 1 activity with God in silence (reframing from reading books or engaging on social media during your silent time). A few examples include a commute to and from work without the radio or phone calls, eating a meal in silence, unplugging from social media for a couple of hours, or setting your alarm to sit in silence until the alarm chimes. Journal your experience with God while in silence – was it good, challenging, enjoyable?
Day 5: Friday, January 7th
- Omit one meal today
- Take Time for Solitude (Read Mark 1:35, Mark 6:30-32, Luke 5:16)
Jesus took time to be alone to seek his Father and invited his disciples to come away. How do you feel about Jesus’ intimate invitation to be alone with him? What are some of the ways that you already spend time alone with Him? What will you incorporate in 2022 to spend (and protect) your alone time with God? Share your desire and plan with a friend.
Day 6: Saturday, January 8th
- Omit one meal today
- Eliminate Distractions (Read Matthew 4:1-11)
Seek God for a personal focus Scripture. The Scripture will be your meditation verse in the area that the enemy tempts you most (an area that challenges you).
Day 7: Sunday, January 9th
- Pause the fast for a time of communion with God, family and friends
- Sabbath Rest (Delight) (Read Genesis 2:2 1-3, Exodus 20:8-11)
Our culture informs us to constantly be on the move and to prove our importance by producing. God gives us the gift of a Sabbath. He modeled rest for us and commands us to follow him. Receive God’s gift of rest. Practice sabbath delight for a 24-hour period. Spend time in communion with God, family and friends, and enjoy activities that are life giving to you.
Week 2: Emotional Maturity
Day 8: Monday, January 10th
- Omit one meal today
- Emotional Maturity Awareness (and Assessment) (Read John 16:13)
Take the free Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Personal Assessment by Peter Scazzero. Speak to God about the results and surrender the areas where he is calling you to grow, ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to the happenings that are designed for your emotional growth.
Day 9: Tuesday, January 11th
- Fast (liquids only) from 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Slow Down (Read Luke 4:42, Luke 10: 38-42)
How do you respond to God invitation to a slower pace? What hinders you from accepting his invitation? Take these cares to the feet of Jesus and write your reflections from the bible passages. Intentionally reduce your speed in all of what you do today: walking, eating, talking with others, working, driving, etc. Before bed, journal the feelings and the thoughts that arose, as you relinquished the tendency to rush.
Day 10: Wednesday, January 12th
- Omit one meal today
- Responding to Disappointment (Read Psalm 42, Isaiah 30:15, 2 Samuel 1:4, 17)
Life is full of its share of disappointing news. How is God leading you to respond to disappointment when things don’t go as you hoped or planned? What have you learned about God, yourself or others from experiencing disappointment in the past? How can that help you with disappointments that you are facing now (or may face in the future)?
Day 11: Thursday, January 13th
- Omit one meal today
- Growing in Vulnerability (Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10)
How intentional are to about sharing your weaknesses, shortcomings, mistakes, fears with others? Today, practice vulnerability. Confide in a trusted friend, or prayer partner about any of the areas listed above and/or your feelings about a current situation that you are facing.
Day 12: Friday, January 14th
- Liquids only (6 a.m. – 6 p.m.)
- Looking Back, Moving Forward (Read Nehemiah 1:4-9)
Spend time identifying the godly and ungodly character traits that you received from your family; acknowledge how these family blessings and sins impact you today. Spend time praising God for the blessings (spiritual, emotional, financial, intellectual, etc.) that you have inherited. Write a letter to God confessing the sins of your family. Pray for forgiveness and breakthrough in those areas.
Day 13: Saturday, January 15th
- Daniel Fast (no meat, dessert, or strong drink)
- Less is More (Decrease) (Read John 3:22- 30)
We live in a culture that advertises that bigger is always better and going after more should be our aim. In the Kingdom of God, however, sometimes increase equals reduction. And at all times, the expansion of Jesus in our lives is a result of less of our pride, and push to expand our own agendas. Lay yourself and your plans before God; in what ways is inviting you to decrease. What does John’s words from today’s passage, “He must increase, but I must decrease,” mean to you?
Day 14: Sunday, January 16th
- Daniel Fast (no meat, dessert, or strong drink)
- Rest In Christ (Read Matthew 11:28-30, The Message)
Practice sabbath delight. Spend time in communion with God, family and friends, and enjoy activities that are life giving to you.
Week 3: Social Maturity
Day 15: Monday, January 17th
- Liquids only (6 a.m. – 6 p.m.)
- Embracing the Mission of the Church (Read Matthew 28:16-20)
As Believers redeemed by the grace of God, through the blood of Christ, He invites us to join him in his redemptive work. The Park Church exists to extend the Love, the Life, and the Lordship of Jesus Christ to every person, in every way, in every place, and at every time that the opportunity is given. Pray to sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as lead us (The Park Church, corporately) and you (personal) in practical ways of carrying out the Great Commission, in everyday living.
Day 16: Tuesday, January 18th
- Water and 100% Juice only (Midnight to Midnight)
- Positioned on Purpose (Read Esther 4)
God has placed us in our families, neighborhoods, and places of employment on purpose. How do you hear God speaking to you as you read Esther 4? How do you discern God calling you to serve him at home, work and in your daily life? What is God asking you to consider? What are some action steps that you can take?
Day 17: Wednesday, January 19th
- Daniel Fast (no meat dessert, or strong drink)
- Share a Testimony About Jesus (Read John 4:2-29)
Pray for an opportunity to share a testimony God’s goodness with someone today (or this week), in private or in a post social media.
Day 18: Thursday, January 20th
- Daniel Fast (no meat dessert, or strong drink)
- Prayer for Family and Ministry (Read Matthew 5:13-16, Colossians 3:22-24)
Pray for family, ministry, sharing Christ with others, helping others grow in Him, vocation. What action steps is God calling you to take where you live, work and play?
Day 19: Friday, January 21st
- Daniel Fast (no meat dessert, or strong drink)
- Prayer for Our Land and the Government (Read 2 Chronicles 7:14, Proverbs 14:34-35)
Watch or read the news and pray for currents events, COVID 19, and racial tension in our nation. Pray for spiritual revival in our local, state and national government.
Day 20: Saturday, January 22nd
- Daniel Fast (no meat, dessert, or strong drink)
- Moving Outward (Read Isaiah 43:10-12)
What are some of the ways that you enjoy serving others? Research service opportunities offered at the church, on your job, in your neighborhood/community. Sign-up to volunteer, and/or prayerfully consider starting/leading an initiative.
Day 21: Sunday, January 23rd
- Water Only (6 a.m. – 12 p.m.)
- Closing Prayer and Celebration (Read Psalm 16: 7-11)
Practice sabbath delight. Spend time in communion with God, family and friends, and enjoy activities that are life giving to you. Take some time to reflect on all that God stirred in you and your church during the Fast. Give him thanks, offer praises for this Fresh Start and commit the rest of the year to God with a prayer. Consider writing the prayer in a journal, a planner or posting it in a place that you can revisit it often.
Help expand our Online Ministry team. If you have a passion for reaching people for Jesus on a local and global scale, then the Online Ministry may be a good fit for you. For more information, please reach out to Min. Tonia Gathers at [email protected].
Laurel Street, The Park Ministries, and The Park Community Development Corporation(CDC) are pleased to announce Gilfield Park, a new affordable housing community for seniors.
Shop Amazon Smile this holiday season and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your total purchase when you designate The Park Ministries Inc as your charitable organization.
This book aims to accelerate current and inspire future efforts toward the vision of justice expressed through a Church united across racial, ethnic, and tribal lines.
What Does God Require of Everyone?
Two spiritual leaders and friends—one Black, one White—have seen the injustice and racial hatred that has simmered under the surface of culture for decades, escalating in recent years.
In Required, Bishop Claude Alexander and Dr. Mac Pier, both theologians and practitioners who have crossed the racial divide for over thirty years, take their readers down the pathway of awareness, ownership, and action regarding how Christians participate in the conversation of race from a faith perspective.
Readers will be shown how they can:
- Engage their world with justice, humility, and mercy.
- Model behaviors that bridge difficult divides.
- Follow God’s call toward conciliation and unity.
- Make a practical difference in their own spheres of influence.
The vision of this book is to accelerate current and inspire future efforts toward the vision of justice expressed through a Church united across racial, ethnic, and tribal lines. Over forty Christians and Christian organization, institution, and movement leaders strongly endorse Required as a must-read book on overcoming racial division.
Our graduates are grateful for the contributions of The Park Church family to their continued education. Read their notes (PDF)
Telehealth Counseling now available
Did you know The Park Church provides Telehealth counseling services? If you believe you or someone you know would benefit from talking with a licensed professional counselor, contact Tondra McLaurin at [email protected] to schedule an appointment or for more details.
Last Updated: May 5, 2021
The Job Transition Ministry exists to help those who are unemployed or under employed learn value job search strategies. Phone screens are a big part of the pre-interview process. They are a brief but impactful way to express interest and your qualifications to a recruiter. Read this article to learn how you can improve your chances of getting an interview.
May 6, 2020
Through the Job Transition Ministry, our human resources professionals are available to virtually provide resume and interview skills feedback. If interested, email Tondra McLaurin at [email protected] or call 704-369-7729.
Grief Share
A weekly support group that helps those dealing with grief learn about the grief process and assist with their healing. It does not matter how long ago the loss was, these sessions are open to the congregation and the community. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone; you have those who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Contact Dr. Raynette Covington at [email protected] for more information and to register for upcoming sessions.
TechFit Camp is just around the corner. 2022 is the year for you to get your teenager enrolled in Tech Fit Camp at The Park Church! Several of TechFit campers have gone on to pursue careers in technology and credit their start to this program. The Camp is designed for youth ages 13-18 and will be held from July 11-22, 2022.
The 2022 technology camp will be an in-person/virtual hybrid format. We host daily workshops beginning with worship at 9 a.m. and ending around 1 p.m.
Workshops (with some phenomenal surprises) include the following:
- Mobile app creation
- Video Concepts
- Script writing
- Editing
- Music Theory and Vocal technique
- Production
- Fitness education
- Applying technology to reach your fitness goals Practical approach to technology
This camp is like no other. Don’t miss an opportunity for your child to learn from and interact with some of the top professionals and experts in these fields. They will gain knowledge and skills that can set them on a promising career path. This learning experience exceeds much more than what they would get in any school classroom.
You definitely want to be a part of this awesome summer experience!
FEMA Funeral Reimbursement Program will launch this month. FEMA is reimbursing up to $7,000 for COVID-19 funerals. This is for any family member who paid for a funeral of a COVID-19 related death after January 20, 2020. For more information log on to
New FEMA Program Launches April 2021
FEMA Funeral Reimbursement Program will launch this month. FEMA is reimbursing up to $7,000 for COVID-19 funerals. This is for any family member who paid for a funeral of a COVID-19 related death after January 20, 2020. For more information log on to
Last Updated: April 21, 2021
Over $150,000 raised toward the vision!
Update: April 6, 2021
Over $101,000 raised toward the vision!
March 30, 2021
MT 25:40 will be The Park Church’s mobile shower and laundry center where those in our homeless community can wash their clothes and receive a hot shower. Our goal is to make this a reality by Resurrection Sunday, April 4, 2021. With your support we can make this happen. To donate go to: and choose the Faith Forward/MT 25:40 option.
This month marks 40 years in ministry by our Pastor, Bishop Claude Richard Alexander, Jr. While he has been the shepherd at The Park Church for 30 years, he has been proclaiming the word of God for 40 years. Thank you BIshop Alexander for your love and leadership.
April is National Volunteer Month
National Volunteer Month in April celebrates the impact volunteers have on our lives and encourages active volunteerism in generations to come. This month, we salute all volunteers for their unwavering service to our church, to businesses and communities. Thank you!
What you need to know about Coronavirus
July 14, 2021
Covid-19 Vaccines are Safe and Effective
Vaccines are now more widely available. Everyone 12 years of age and older is eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. The Department of Health and Human Services provide up to the minute news and information concerning the status and efficacy of the various vaccines available along with ways to get the vaccine.
March 30, 2021
Vaccination Opportunity
Novant Health will host a vaccination event on Thursday, April 1, from 8am to 4pm at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church – 3400 Beatties Ford Road. Event spaces do fill up quickly, so if you are in the eligible groups and would like to schedule an appointment, please go to their website at and select the events link, and you’ll find it under the upcoming events tab, to register and get additional information.
January 20, 2021
NCDHHS Covid-19 Vaccine Prioritization Rollout
All vaccine providers are expected to ensure that vaccine is equitably administered within each group. NCDHHS has a specific focus on building trust with historically marginalized populations. Longstanding and continuing racial and ethnic injustices in our health care system contribute to lack of trust in vaccines. The Department is partnering with trusted leaders and organizations to provide accurate information about the vaccine. More detailed information is available at
February 24, 2021
Covid-19 Vaccinations
COVID-19 vaccinations will be available next week at the Novant Health Michael Jordan Family Medicine Clinic located at 3149 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208, on February 24th, 25th and 26th. Vaccinations are available to individuals who are age 65 and over, front line workers, and those with underlying medical conditions – by appointment only. For additional information, please call 704.392.1681, or email [email protected]
January 18, 2021
NCDHHS Covid-19 Vaccine Prioritization Rollout
All vaccine providers are expected to ensure that vaccine is equitably administered within each group. NCDHHS has a specific focus on building trust with historically marginalized populations. Longstanding and continuing racial and ethnic injustices in our health care system contribute to lack of trust in vaccines. The Department is partnering with trusted leaders and organizations to provide accurate information about the vaccine. More detailed information is available at
July 14, 2020
Atrium Health Giving Free Masks for Our Community
Atrium Health is offering free masks for our community at select locations.
April 14, 2020
Novant Health: Where should I go for care?
I don’t have COVID-19 symptoms but still need care.
- This is an emergency: If you are experiencing an emergency (heart attack or stroke symptoms, pregnancy-related issues, seizures, vomiting or bleeding that won’t stop, etc.), call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
- This isn’t an emergency: Utilize our virtual care options for routine care (Video Visits/E-Visits, TytoHome) Learn more at
- This isn’t an emergency and cannot be handled virtually:
- Contact your primary care physician. If you do not have one, call our helpline at 1-877-9NOVANT.
- Visit one of our Novant Health GoHealth Urgent Cares on weekends or after hours.
I have COVID-19 symptoms.
- Fever >100.4° F + Cough + Shortness of Breath
- Options:
- Take our online assessment at, or
- Receive a screening virtually by visiting, or
- Contact your primary care physician or call the helpline at 1-877-9NOVANT with questions and/or if directed by the online assessment.
March 29, 2020
Ministry Updates
There will be no in person attendance at any campus. The following have been cancelled until further notice:
- Sunday School
- Park Cafe
- Ministry Bible Studies
- Noonday Bible Study
- Nursery
- Friday Night Live
- FLWC Gym Activities
Streamed online (Watch Live, Facebook Live, YouTube Live):
- Sunday Worship @ 9:45 a.m.
- Corporate Bible Study, Wednesday @ 7:00 p.m.
New Prayer Class Survey
The Prayer Ministry of The Park Church would like your feedback on a new prayer class being offered “Disciple’s Prayer Life” to our discipleship offerings. We want your input on the best time to offer the class. Please take a moment to complete the brief, two-question survey. Begin survey.
Scholarship/Award Applications Now Open
The Scholarship Ministry of The Park Church wants to remind you that 2021 scholarship and award applications are still available for download.You can apply for and submit up to 20 applications. The application deadline is 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3. The drop off site is the Security Office at The Park Church Independence, 800 Briar Creek Road, Charlotte, NC 28205.
Study Life Challenge
Are you ready to move forward in your relationship with God? If so, join us in taking the 60-Day Challenge. For 60 days we are encouraging you to identify and participate in a life group or Bible study class, where God’s word is read and discussed in an intimate and personal way. The study of God’s word is sure to enrich your life. Visit our website at and click our virtual engagement page for a complete list of study opportunities. #TPC60Day
Request Your 2020 Contribution Statement
2020 contribution statements are now available. You can email your contribution statement request to [email protected]. Special arrangements may be made to pickup your statement at the Beatties Ford Road campus. Email the Accounting Department for more information.
Groceries Giveaway for Seniors
Seniors On The Move, a Charlotte-based organization, in partnership with Cigna Medicare have created a program called Groceries For Grandma, which is giving $100 to a qualified senior each month of 2021. The program was created to help seniors stretch their grocery budget during these difficult economic times. To learn more visit
60-Day Study Life Challenge
Become a part of the study life of the church by joining us in a Sunday School class, faithfully attending one of our Bible Studies or joining a Life Group for the next 60 days.
Take the 60-day challenge and see how the study of God’s word will change and enrich your life and those around you.
View our schedule of Events for a complete listing of all the opportunities to study God’s word.
Bible Project designed “One Story that Leads to Jesus” to inspire and equip you to read through the entire Bible in one year. This plan incorporates over 150 animated videos to engage you in the Bible’s brilliant literary design and flow of thought. To receive a weekly reflection guide that corresponds with this one-year reading plan, sign up at
Get started with The Park Church Counseling Ministry. We provide:
- Counseling: focuses on mental health and emotional well-being
- Spiritual Direction: focuses on experiencing God’s presence, spiritual disciplines and discernment of God’s voice
- Coaching: focuses on career and other significant life transitions
Looking for a dope playlist to listen to while you’re at home?
The Park YouTube Channel
June: We partner with educational prevention and victim services programs to address domestic violence.
We have an opportunity to be a part of a great community initiative organized by Read Charlotte to help prevent reading loss during the summer months. Thousands of children in Mecklenburg County are at risk of falling behind in reading due to the school closure caused by the COVID 19 health crisis. On June 8, 2020 Read Charlotte will launch a campaign that will encourage local families to get a “Reading Checkup”. It is for rising K-4 students. Learn more at
Memorial Day: Church Offices Closed
Church offices will be closed Mon. May 25 in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday. The emergency line will be open and monitored.
From Language of God: In the episode, Jim talks with Bishop Claude Alexander about his growing up in the south with parents esteemed in the medical field–his mother was the first black psychiatrist in Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas and his father was family practitioner who was assigned to Martin Luther King, Jr. whenever he was in Mississippi–and about the role of science in racial reconciliation in America today. Claude provides some pastoral and poignant notes of hope at the end of the episode.
Join us “on the ground” as we pray for, clean up, and engage souls in our community.
Give to the Barnabas Fund
The Barnabas Fund was established to help families experiencing a financial need as a result of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Please donate on our Giving page or through the Givelify app (select “The Park Church”).
We honor the elders of our congregation through food, fun, laughter and fellowship.
We express gratitude to our servant leaders through food, fellowship and fun. This event is typically held in the winter.
Givelify Online
Due to the increased use of the Givelify app, you may experience some disruption in service. Alternatively, please visit our Park Church Givelify page.
Men’s: Tip of the Spear
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No current programs and activities.
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