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- NEW! Counseling Text FeatureTake advantage of the Counseling Ministry’s new text feature. Text the word “Care” to 844-390-6312.
- New and Improved Social ProfilesThe Park Church is revamping its social media presence under the handle @TheParkChurchCharlotte. Get ready to connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube under our new and improved profiles.
- Nursery Grand OpeningSunday, March 31st marks the grand opening of our nursery. If you have a nursery aged child that’s 0-4 years old, we want to be able to serve you well.
- Connect on Our New Texting PlatformConnect with us on our new texting platform. Text the keyword HELLO to (844) 390-6312.
- March 2024: Women’s History MonthMarch is Women’s History Month. From Leading Lady to the women’s choir and preaching line-ups, you want to stay tuned to The Park News (TPN) and our digital channels to keep up with all of the ways we’re honoring women.
- Message to The Park Social Media FollowersDear Members and Friends of The Park Church, We hope this message finds you well. We regret to inform you that our social media accounts…
- February 2024: Heart Health Awareness MonthEvery year, we encourage our Park family GO RED by wearing red one Sunday in February.
- 2023 Contribution Statements Now AvailableIt’s tax season! Be sure to claim all of your deductions correctly. Our Park Church tax professionals are ready to assist you in your tax preparation.
- Markers of Spiritual Growth AssessmentTake a moment to complete this church-wide assessment. This survey is also available under Media > Forms.
- An Improved Experience: The Park Church Mobile AppEnjoy an improved worship and engagement experience on our refreshed Park Church mobile app.
- October is Domestic Violence Awareness MonthThe Park Church is a zero-tolerance organization as it pertains to domestic violence (DV). Each day, individuals face domestic violence and feel like they have…
- October is Cancer Awareness MonthOctober is Cancer Awareness Month. Take a look at Choose Hope’s chart of Cancer Awareness Ribbon Colors.
- 2023-2024 NFL Super Bowl LVIII PredictionsIt’s that time again! Who will make the play-offs? Make your predictions for the 2024 Super Bowl LVIII.
- Celebrating Bishop AlexanderIt’s that time we set aside to honor the wonderful gift from God in the person of Bishop Claude Richard Alexander, Jr. This year we…
- The Park Church Girl ScoutsGet involved and grow! If you are a young lady, or know of a young lady, between the ages of 5-18 who would like to…
- Disabilities AwarenessOn Sunday, September 10th, we will celebrate Disabilities Awareness and provide you with some important facts and information. You don’t want to miss this Sunday as our P.L.U.S. ministry leads the way in this effort.
- September is Sickle Cell Awareness MonthIn conjunction with raising awareness about Sickle Cell, we are planning to host a community blood drive in partnership with the American Red Cross on Sunday, September 17th, from 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at BFR. Please plan to make a difference in someone’s life during this time.
- September is National Suicide Awareness MonthIn observance of this month, we’ve launched a new Living Faith Library course that reviews Biblical examples of suicide, ponders the question “why,” and explores…
- Now Open: The Park CaféCorrection: The café is open on first Sundays only. Visit the Family Life and Wellness Center on Sundays to enjoy what our Café has to…
- Nursery Re-OpeningAs the church, we partner with parents and families to provide safe, Christ-centered environments for children of all ages, and we are looking forward to…
- Counseling Ministry: A Message on GriefWe as a church family collectively and individually mourn the loss of our dearly beloved Minister Eric Reed.
- CBCF ScholarshipsFor more than three decades, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) has awarded scholarships to talented and deserving students. Each year, they award more than…
- September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month (Donors Needed)National Sickle Cell Awareness Month was designated by Congress to help focus attention on the need for research and treatment of sickle cell disease. Sickle…
- TechFit Summer Camp 2023 Registration Now Open
- In-Person Worship Begins Sunday, April 3, 2022 (Limited Seating)As we follow COVID-19 protocols, we will offer limited seating through online registration.
- Youth Ministry Volunteer Signup Form Now OpenSign up to express your interest in serving with our Youth Ministry. Upon completion of the form, you will be required to complete a Child Safety Training and a background check.
- “So You Think You’re in Love” Registration Now Open
- The Global Leadership Summit Registration InformationExplanation Rate Priority Code Host Site Priority code This is only for your regular congregation/constituents $139 until 01/11; $159 until 06/15$179 until Summit GLS22TEAM Complimentary RegistrationComp…
- The Park Church Fresh Start: 21-Day Church Wide FastAs we prepare for a new year — whether out of excitement or desperation for something new — it is quite tempting to create plans…
- ALPHA “Candid Conversations” Registration Now Open